2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)About the authors:
Alexey A. Olennikov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Department of Information Security, University of Tyumen; a.a.olennikov@utmn.ruAbstract:
Metallurgical and power industries are the largest consumers of fossil fuels. The share of the costs of fuel and energy resources in the total factory cost of production is more than 30%. Given that every day becomes more expensive extraction and processing of fuel and depleted world reserves, the problems of energy saving is placed on one of the fi rst places. The real direction of development of the eastern regions of the country is the creation of a regional industry in Russia. This idea is gradually coming to metal consumers. In this regard, Russia is beginning to build mini-dwarf plants focused on the highest quality of the main products, as well as maximizing the energy source of fuel. When designing new or modernizing the existing metallurgical units one should take into account the need in the intensive calculations associated with the construction, heat exchangers, gas dynamics, etc. To meet these challenges, scientists of SibSIU from Novokuznetsk have worked out mathematical models, algorithms and software system that are presented in this work.References:
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