Algorithm of regularization of oil reservoir local area hydrodynamic parameters estimations

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Algorithm of regularization of oil reservoir local area hydrodynamic parameters estimations

About the authors:

Roman V. Raspopov, assistant of Cybernetic Sustems departament Tyumen State Oil & Gas University, Cand. Tech. Sci.
Ilya G. Solovyev, senior staff scientist, Institute of North Development Problems (Siberian departament of Russian Academy of Sciences)


The research covers the development of methods of oil reservoir local area hydrodynamics mathematical modeling, aimed at increasing stability of inverse problem solutions (estimations of fi ltration-capacity parameters of oil reservoir local areas) based on model reduction, considering informativeness of disturbing influence. The object of the research is hydrodynamic models of oil reservoir local areas drained with a regular well grid. The objective is the development of numerical method, algorithms and data processing programs considering full-scale measurements to stably estimate fi ltration-capacity parameters of oil reservoir local areas. During the research the following results have been obtained: improved oil reservoir local area mathematical model assuring acceptable accuracy of bottomhole pressure dynamics; numerical method of regularization of least-squares central zone parameters estimations based on combinational search of model geometrical images providing decrease of conditional number; design of software package for identification of oil reservoir local area hydrodynamic parameters using bottomhole pressure and flow rate measurements and for testing of estimation results.


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