Experimental unit for physical modeling of electromagnetic fields in conducting media

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Experimental unit for physical modeling of electromagnetic fields in conducting media

About the authors:

Ildar R. Asmandyarov, postgraduate, Tyumen State University, engineer
Vladimir A. Mikheev, Cand. Sci. (Phus.-Math), Associate professor, Head of Radiophysics Department, Phusics and Technical Institute Tyumen State University


Experimental installation for physical modeling of electromagnetic fi elds in conducting media has been designed and constructed. In this installation an autonomous source in a sealed and shielded enclosure is immersed in a conductive medium, together with the radiating dipole, that allows to minimize the infl uence of the connection lines. Potential distribution on the surface of a conductive medium induced by radiator is measured with continuous change of the distance between the sensor electrodes. The design of the stand provides the ability to measure the magnitude of the current fl owing in the medium and the voltage on the shoulders of the dipole, which calculated the apparent resistance of the medium. The constructed installation has been used to carry-out experimental studies of the electromagnetic fi eld in a homogeneous conducting medium, which showed qualitative agreement between mathematical and physical model. Experimental setup can be used in solving problems of development of devices designed to generate electromagnetic fi elds in real conducting media, the development of wireless communication channels, and solutions for geophysical problems.


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Vol. 10. Рр. 5-8.