Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


Releases Archive. Вестник ТюмГУ. Физико-математические науки. Информатика (№7, 2014)

Physical–mathematical model and flow method of gas-condensate mixture in reservoir

About the author:

Aleksandr B. Shabarov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Applied and Technical Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology, University of Tyumen; a.b.shabarov@utmn.ru; eLibrary AuthorID, ORCID, ResearcherID, ScopusID


A physical-mathematical model of radial flow of gas-condensate mixture (GCM) in a reservoir has been developed, taking into account change in time and space of component composition, pressure, filtration speed of gas and condensate phase. The filtration process of GSM with phase transitions and changes along the radius due to the difference in phase permeability of gas and condensate is studied by "fusion by physical processes" scheme. Change of the rendered density of components and phases takes place in two subsequent processes-mass exchange with two phase filtration and thermodynamic equilibrium in components between gas and condensate phases. One cubic equation of state and equilibrium of chemical potentials of components in liquid and gas phases are used. Stationary and quasi-stationary approaches to calculation of pressure in a reservoir are considered. The calculation algorithm of component and phase composition change of GSM in gas-condensate reservoir is provided. The developed model and algorithm can be employed for direct and reversed task solution of subsurface hydrogas dynamics, in particular for: gas and condensate production forecasting; reservoir parameter identification; calculation and forecasting of change in time and radius of the components and phases concentration in a reservoir; approximation model design of flow rates and composition dependency from depression; optimization of bottom-hole pressures and well flow rates according o the technical and economic criteria.


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