Production of silicon nitride layers with stoichiometric composition and supersaturation on silicon with the help of the characteristics of magnetron discharge

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


Releases Archive. Вестник ТюмГУ. Физико-математические науки. Информатика (№7, 2013)

Production of silicon nitride layers with stoichiometric composition and supersaturation on silicon with the help of the characteristics of magnetron discharge

About the authors:

Dmitry V. Zhuravsky, Head of the Laboratory of Beam-Plasma Technology in REC “Nanotechnology , Tyumen State University
Gennady P. Laskin, Head of the Laboratory of Electron and Probe Microscopy in REC “Nanotechnology”, Tyumen State University
Kirill V. Misyuk, Research Assistant of Beam-Plasma Technology Laboratory in REC “Nanotechnology”, Tyumen State University
Sergey Yu. Udovichenko, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor of Department of Applied and Technical Physics; Head of REC “Nanotechnology”, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, ResearcherID, ScopusID,


The elemental composition of supersaturated solutions of silicon in silicon nitride has been studied. The supersaturated solutions were obtained in two ways: the method of magnetron sputtering of a silicon cathode in the presence of the reactive gas of nitrogen and the method of silicon ions implantation into the obtained 60 nm- thick samples at irradiation doses of the order of (2-5) 1016см-2. In the future, these technologies will provide a formation of «Si nanocrystals in a dielectric» structures intended for creation of highly efficient electro-luminescent light source for optoelectronics by using the method of equilibrium and fast thermal treatments. Preliminary research of the composition homogeneity of the produced silicon nitride films have been carried out by means of the layer-by-layer sputtering of these films with a beam of gallium ions. The distribution of elements over the thickness of the supersaturated silicon layer of silicon nitride and the distribution of implanted silicon ions over the thickness of layer silicon nitride stoichiometric composition have been obtained with the help of secondary-ion mass-spectrometry. Measurement accuracy is higher than the accuracy of the method of reverse Rutherford scattering. The study of the composition of the obtained nanomaterials allows an optimization of nanomaterials modes of mature plasma beam technologies for creation of silicon-based light-emitting materials with the required parameters.


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