Influence of rate and the period of sinusoidal loading, moving in the underground pipeline, on surrounding massif

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


Releases Archive. Вестник ТюмГУ. Физико-математические науки. Информатика (№4, 2012)

Influence of rate and the period of sinusoidal loading, moving in the underground pipeline, on surrounding massif

About the authors:

Vitaliy P. Ukrainets, Dr. Techn. Sci., Professor, Department of health and safety and protection of environment, Pavlodar state university
Murat K. Beysembayev, Cand. Techn. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of health and safety and protection of environment, Pavlodar state university


On the basis of solved problem about an action of mobile periodic load on thin-walled circular cylindrical cover in elastic half-space, the numerical analysis of influence of velocity and the period moving in the underground pipeline of sinusoidal load on the tense-deformed condition of surrounding massif it is made.
