Alexander A. Zakharov

Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, University of Tyumen (Tyumen, Russia).

Well-known specialist in the field of information technology. He is a certified instructor in the field of network technologies, has a master's degree from the University of Amsterdam in geoinformation system technologies (education was supported by a personal grant from INTAS). Under his leadership were developed and implemented the information systems for the accounting of land and property complex and secure document management systems at the level of the region, the city of Tyumen and municipalities of the south of the Tyumen region, medical information systems, as well as information systems for automated processing of the results of scientific experiments for the Tyumen Cardiology Center, automated systems for accounting of hydrocarbon production commissioned by the Tyumen Petroleum Research Center (Rosneft).

Analysis of publication activity on the Russian Science Citation Index website [in Russian]
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