2024. Vol. 10. № 4 (40)About the authors:
Anastasiya A. Maikova, Master Student, Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia;,
This article is devoted to the issue of IT project risk management, namely, the analysis and assessment of potential risk events. Risk management issues have been and remain relevant, as they are an integral part of planning any project. This study aims to analyze and assess the risks of implementing an IT project to create an ecosystem of smart bicycle parking in the region. The study uses the case of a project developing a mobile application for the ecosystem of smart bicycle parking in St. Petersburg (Russia). The main methods used are analysis, synthesis, classification, mental modeling, brainstorming, SWOT analysis, and Ishikawa method. The results identify potential risks and divide them into groups by constructing an Ishikawa diagram. The project implementation risk registers are formed, including the risk name, its causes, potential impact, the measures to eliminate the event, and the measures to eliminate the consequences of the event in the event of occurrence. Based on the expert risk assessment, a risk management matrix is compiled, where all risk events are distributed according to the degree of influence in the event of their implementation, as well as the probability of occurrence. The results obtained can be useful to initiators of similar projects to develop an ecosystem of smart parking for personal vehicles.Keywords:
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