Quality of life in the assessments by the Tyumen Region residents

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2024. Vol. 10. № 3 (39)

Quality of life in the assessments by the Tyumen Region residents

For citation: Andrianova, E. V. (2024). Quality of life in the assessments by the Tyumen Region residents. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, 10(3), 111–128. https://doi.org/10.21684/2411-7897-2024-10-3-111-128

About the author:

Elena V. Andrianova, Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of General and Economic Sociology, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia; Senior Researcher at the West Siberian Branch of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tyumen, Russia; e.v.andrianova@utmn.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7769-9206


The article examines the differences in how the Tyumen Region residents assess the quality of life components. The research base for that are the data obtained during the interregional program The Problems of Sociocultural Evolution of Russia and Its Regions, by N. I. Lapin and L. A. Belyaeva from the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Later, 20 more Russian regions were included in the program, which is currently coordinated by the Volga Research Center of the RAS. Ten waves of sociological monitoring in 2006–2023 in the Tyumen Region were studied, using the methods of quantitative analysis including statistical data and sociological surveys results. The literature review presents the state and problems of quality of life research, as well as existing methodological approaches and conceptual frameworks that define quality of life as a complex indicator of socio-economic development. The results show that subjective assessments of the population’s quality of life vary significantly depending on socio-economic conditions, highlighting the importance of these factors in the development of social programs. Multiple comparisons for each of the components in the dynamics over 17 years help in identifying the most pressing problems: the accessibility and quality of healthcare.


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