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Social, Economic, and Law Research
2023, Vol. 9
№ 3 (35)
Social, Economic, and Law Research
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2023, Vol. 9
№ 1 (33)
№ 2 (34)
№ 3 (35)
№ 4 (36)
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No. 1 (37)
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No. 4 (40)
Releases archive
Vesntik TSU. law (#3)
Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 )
Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11)
Editorial board
List of authors
Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research
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Post-Soviet identity: integration resources
Ekaterina V. Kargapolova
Irada A. Musayeva
Maria A. Krestova
Entrepreneurship as assessed by students of vocational education and training in the region: social attitudes and gender specifics
Nursafa G. Khairullina
Eduard Z. Omarov
Konstantin V. Ambrushkevich
Financial literacy analysis: a comprehensive study
Darya V. Lazutina
Ekaterina M. Portnyaga
The role of TV series in the life of young people
Marina N. Kicherova
Alexandra A. Borodkina
Normative regulation of local government officials’ responsibility in the Russian unified system of public authority
Oleg A. Kozhevnikov
The features of constitutional regulation of competition in the modern conditions of the digital economy, parallel import, and import substitution in the Russian Federation
Aleksander S. Sukhorukov
Civil and arbitration proceedings in the new economic conditions
Vladimir N. Koval
Anastasia N. Morozova
On the legal nature of the legally significant message
Nikolay S. Bocharov
The question of the basis of criminal prosecution for falsification of the required evidence
Artyom K. Skorokhodov
Free legal aid in the United States of America
Viktor V. Rossiev
Assessment of the quality of life in the regions of the Russian Federation
Vladimir V. Oreshnikov
Marsel M. Nizamutdirov
The role and place of the Tyumen Region in the economy of the Ural Federal District and Russia
Nikolai Z. Zotikov
The state and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Russian Federation
Kristina A. Zakharova
Danil A. Muravev
Ekaterina G. Zheurova
Development of intra-company planning tools at an oil and gas producing enterprise
Denis I. Khazhin
Miroslava G. Salko
Vera V. Plenkina