2023, Vol. 9. № 2 (34)About the authors:
Miroslava G. Salko, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Management in the Fuel and Energy Industries, Tyumen Industrial University; salkomg@tyuiu.ruAbstract:
The dynamic change in the external economic environment of industrial enterprises requires searching for and developing methodological tools for an evidence-based target planning mechanism. This article reviews the key modern research works in this field, highlighting the constituent elements of target planning and the existing problems in their use. The methodological tools for collecting and processing information for subsequent analysis and informed planning of targeted solutions are described. A recommended matrix model for assessing the quality of incoming information for a fuel and energy complex (FEC) enterprise has been developed and presented. Using the hierarchy analysis method, the most preferred method of collecting and processing information is selected. Formal and informal methods of developing targeted solutions are characterized. The mechanism of identifying problems and setting goals at an industry enterprise is described. To explain strategic decisions when developing alternatives to targets, the authors have used various methodological tools and presented the results of selecting the most reliable methods. The target strategic solutions of the branch enterprise are defined and the priority tasks of its development are formulated. The sequence of the target planning mechanism of the FEC enterprise is given together with methodological recommendations for its implementation. Based on the brainstorming and the constructed Ishikawa diagram, the authors identify and present the key problems of an industrial enterprise. Using expert evaluation and establishing its consistency, the preferred scheme for planning and implementing target solutions of the enterprise has been selected. The results show existing causal relationships, presenting a diagram and a strategic map for one of the key target solutions of an industry enterprise. The interrelation of the target indicators with the internal processes of the enterprise is given to increase the validity of the planned decisions of the enterprise.References:
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