2022, Vol. 8. № 1 (29)About the authors:
Irina N. Bulgakova, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of System Analysis and Management, Voronezh State University;; ORCID: 0000-0003-1779-5877Abstract:
During the development and implementation of a project, such an area of activity as teamwork should not be ignored. The process of forming a project team is an important detail of prelaunch preparation and an essential area of work during the project implementation period. Within the framework of this process, the priority area is the optimization of the activities of HR-management when solving the problem of combining specialists with various skills, values, ideas and the distribution of their roles and responsibilities. The urgency of the problem of improving the decision-making process in the HR management system in the context of digital transformation through the development of new models of activity, combining the capabilities of technology and traditional management in the face of the emergence of new information products and processes with fundamentally different qualities determined the direction and structure of the study. The aim of the study is to analyze the functional capabilities of digital technologies used in personnel management, to substantiate the need for the use of HR-management automated systems and decision-making support methods, as well as to develop a methodological approach to the implementation of the initial stage of team formation procedure. In the course of the research, the method of analysis of expert data, procedures of multi-criteria selection, the analytic hierarchy process, optimization models were used. The proposed approach involves a complex combination of a formalized algorithm for expert evaluation and of an optimization problem, namely, a sequential solution of the problem of optimal selection of candidates and the problem of distribution of candidates who have passed the rating selection. It is concluded that the developed methodology for the formation of project teams significantly expands the capabilities of HR analytics and contributes to a more efficient distribution of candidates for project vacancies, but at the same time acts only as a tool that helps an expert.
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