The peculiarities of industrial enterprises’ profit taxation in a differentiated approach

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2021, Vol. 7. № 2 (26)

The peculiarities of industrial enterprises’ profit taxation in a differentiated approach

For citation: Dubkova V. B. 2021. “The peculiarities of industrial enterprises’ profit taxation in a differentiated approach”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic and Law Research, vol. 7, no. 2 (26), pp. 219-242. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2021-7-2-219-242

About the author:

Valeria B. Dubkova, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor;


This article studies the problem of improving enterprise profit taxation, the ways to solve it, and one of the main problems of the modern system of the enterprises taxation — how it is connected to the production efficiency. By solving it, we can determine the differentiation of the tax rates to the enterprises’ profit. Within its methodological framework, the author proposes to use the theory of surplus value. In order to spread the global methods for solving the issues of improving the taxation profit of enterprises and ensuring the economic efficiency and growth, the principles of neoclassic marginal theory are used. The system of indicators — signs and criteria — provides evidence for differentiating industrial enterprises into groups for a more optimal taxation of their profits. The author provides suggestions for forming the rate of the profit tax to stimulate the increase of production efficiency and reinvestment of funds for its development. The algorithm for calculating the profit tax rate assumes using the index of the norms of surplus value — profitableness of labor. This article proposes using a matrix for classifying industrial enterprises into groups, defining the level of the tax rates to profit for each of them based on the developed algorithm together with the level of production efficiency for 2018. For industrial enterprises, special industrial level of indicators — the signs differentiation — are considered: the structure of capital, the standard of profit, the profitableness of labor, and the results of their profit taxation using the method of free balance, the normative method, the modern and the proposed tax profit systems. In the case of the industrial enterprises, the relevance of the proposed reforms of the taxation of profit is explained. The results of research constitute the methodological basis of developing a more effective mechanism of taxing enterprises’ profit, which is especially necessary when realizing anti-crisis economic politics.


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