Developing the innovative potential of digital transformation of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2021, Vol. 7. № 2 (26)

Developing the innovative potential of digital transformation of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex

For citation: Salko M. G. 2021. “Developing the innovative potential of digital transformation of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 7, no. 2 (26), pp. 200-218. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2021-7-2-200-218

About the author:

Miroslava G. Salko, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Management in the Fuel and Energy Industries, Tyumen Industrial University;


The dynamic development of the introduction of digital technology in various industries requires searching and developing new methodological approaches to form innovative development programs of enterprises for their digital transformation. This article characterizes the main trends and problems in developing the digital transformation of fuel and energy complex enterprises, defining its worth and development vectors. The author highlights the features of implementing digital and information technology at industrial enterprises and describes the most popular information and digital technologies used in the fuel and energy complex enterprises. She provides the main obstacles to the implementation of digital transformation in the Russian Federation, including the use of domestic information products. Having defined the target benchmarks and indicators for the development of digital technologies in the industries of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation, the author formulates the priority tasks for developing the innovative potential of IT in industrial enterprises. Determining the specifics of the methodological provisions for its evaluation has required defining the constituent elements of the innovative potential. A comparative characteristic of methodological tools for assessing the innovation potential and position of enterprises is provided with the description of the different necessary methods it requires. The author proposes the use of a comprehensive methodological approach to assessing the innovative potential of the digital transformation of the oil and gas enterprise. The system of evaluation indicators is presented following the recommended evaluation vectors: level of digitalization, level of development of the fuel and energy complex, and level of innovation. An assessment of the innovative potential of the digital transformation of the oil and gas enterprise is demonstrated and the main conclusions are formulated. The assessment resulted in developing a program of digital development of oil and gas enterprise with the allocation of the main innovative directions and targets for the implementation of activities. Further benchmarks of scientific research are defined and conclusions are formulated.


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