2021, Vol. 7. № 1 (25)About the author:
Dmitry A. Avdeev, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Public Law Disciplines, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,
The problem of the effectiveness and efficiency of public authority is the subject of research in various sciences, including the legal one. In particular, from the standpoint of the domestic science of constitutional law, it is of interest to study the foundations of the organization and functioning of public authorities and management at various levels in a given period of time to develop recommendations aimed at improving the activities of government bodies.
The 2020 constitutional and legal reform introduced significant adjustments to the organization and activities of not only the highest bodies of state power. Strengthened the interaction of public authorities and local self-government, which together form a single system of public authority and carry out interaction in order to most effectively solve problems in the interests of the population.
Despite the ambiguity of the category “public power”, one of its properties is the activities legitimacy of the bodies that exercise it. In this regard, at present, there are a number of problematic aspects related to the procedure for the formation (formation) of higher bodies of state power and local self-government and the degree of participation of citizens in it (for example, citizens do not participate in the direct formation of the Federation Council, heads of municipalities are not elected by the population).
Until now, the science of constitutional law continues to discuss the legal content of the concept of “people”, which is one of the key issues in the process of legitimizing public authority. In the article, the author proposes to find out the difference between the legal understanding of the people as a “source of power” and as a “bearer of sovereignty.” Considering public power, the author reveals such an inalienable property of it as legitimacy. Analyzing the problems of public administration in the Russian Federation, the author proposes a number of measures aimed at improving the legislation.
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