The role of “third places” in the communications of modern students

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2020, Vol. 6. № 3 (23)

The role of “third places” in the communications of modern students

For citation: Akulich M. M., Mokk E. A. 2020. “The role of ‘third places’ in the communications of modern students”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 6, no. 3 (23), pp. 59-78. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2020-6-3-59-78

About the authors:

Maria M. Akulich, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Department of General and Economic Sociology, University of Tyumen;; ORCID: 0000-0001-7112-3639

Elina A. Mokk, Undergraduate Student, Department of General and Economic Sociology, University of Tyumen;


In the conditions of intensive development of the information society, the problem of achieving and maintaining a balance of off- and online communications is becoming more relevant. This is especially significant for students, who study most actively and use various information technologies.

The purpose of this study lies in exploring the role of “third places” in the communications of modern students. The authors have employed a systematic approach, the method of structural and functional analysis and a sociological survey during the study to explore the space and define the system of “third places” in a modern city. Theoretical approaches and concepts that reveal the role of “third places” in the communications of man and society are addressed. In their theoretical and empirical analysis, the authors have employed R. Oldenburg’s concept of “third places” as the main one. The authors’ definition of “third places” is explained.

The empirical research reveals “third places” with prioritization among students, and their relevance in urban environments. The frequency of visits has been determined and the needs of young people structured through the “third places” approach.

The authors have studied students’ readiness to communicate with each other and strangers, using the opportunity of new acquaintances. The results have revealed that 33% of students have their own circle of contacts in “third places” and usually spend time with friends and acquaintances, family or relatives, much less often in loneliness and classmates. In the process of informal offline communication in “third places”, students do not completely disconnect from online communication.

In general, the survey data indicate a certain success in the “third places” performing one of its main functions — providing opportunities for free informal communication, expanding the circle of acquaintances. In order to maintain and develop traditional communications in the student community, it is strategically important to develop a system of “third places” that satisfy the needs of young people.


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