2019, Vol. 5. №2About the author:
Sadri S. Kuzakbirdiev, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Department of Theory of State and Law and International Law, Institute of State and Law, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, s.s.kuzakbirdiev@utmn.ruAbstract:
There are plenty of various scientific works and educational methodical materials that are dedicated to the practice-oriented approach to education in general education schools, secondary vocational education schools, and institutes of higher education. Some of them are dedicated to the practice-oriented approach to education of law students. The relevance of the issue is defined by the fact that more and more research is being conducted in the field. Currently, it is mostly connected to the issues regarding the educational training of specific professions, majors, and specializations of graduates, rather than to the general educational aspects of the issue.
In the presented article, the author makes a statement which is different from other researchers’ point of view. Many of those researchers tend to believe that the practice-oriented approach to education of law students is primarily associated with an increase in the number of hours devoted to various types of student practice provided by the curricula of law schools, participating in extracurricular and additional practice, involving students in the activities of legal clinics established at the universities, prompt implementation of theoretical knowledge on the basis of the university or rented platforms. While pointing out the real problems associated with the implementation of these proposals, as well as the ways to solve such problems, the author of the article advocates the position on the priority of the optimal combination of: 1) theoretical and practical principles in the training of lawyers; 2) lectures, seminars, and practical classes; 3) information of both theoretical and practical nature in the study of each issue of each topic of the course.
The main method of the research is a comparative analysis of the approaches, attitudes, and ideas that have been developed in the science, concerning practice-oriented training of law students, state educational standards of all generations on jurisprudence, and the implementation of their requirements.
According to the results of the study, conclusions and proposals were formulated and reflected in the final part of the work. As the author believes, consideration and implementation of his conclusions and proposals will ensure the increase in the efficiency of practice-oriented education of future lawyers.