2019, Vol. 5. №2About the author:
Vladimir I. Oseychuk, Dr. Sci. (Jur.), Professor, Department of State and Municipal Administration, Institute of State and Law, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, oseychuk-utmn@yandex.ruAbstract:
The turnout and the results of sociological studies show that an increasing number of Russian citizens do not trust the results of the vote. In their opinion, the election in Russian conditions is, as a rule, a fake and an imitation. The fact is that highest state officials carry out the legal regulation of the electoral system based mainly on their own interests. Therefore, it is essential to change the rules of the game on the political field in the interests of people.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it contains a systematic analysis of the reasons for the distrust of the majority of citizens to the existing electoral system, a set of measures to its democratization is proposed.