2019, Vol. 5. №1About the author:
Dmitriy V. Chermyaninov, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Department of Administrative Law, Ural State Law University (Yekaterinburg); dimon-str@mail.ruAbstract:
Students face certain difficulties when studying topics related to the forms and methods of public administration that are included in the course of administrative law. At the end of their study, many students confuse these concepts and ultimately do not fully understand what is at stake.
As a result of the analysis of educational literature, the author concludes that this happens for the following reasons. First, the contemporary textbooks on legal disciplines do not define the topics under consideration clearly. Secondly, authors offer various options for the classification of forms and methods that often require additional clarification. Thirdly, there are cases when in the newer editions of textbooks, the authors change and (or) clarify their previously stated opinion. Finally, often students confuse methods of legal regulation (as a sign of the industry they study) and methods of public administration (impact in order to achieve the goal, of public interest).
The author believes that public administration bodies use the only method that should be called “the method of proper stimulation”, which has the only form — “an act of public administration”.