Ranking Russian Regions Publication Activity

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2018, Vol. 4. №3

Ranking Russian Regions Publication Activity

For citation: Tereshchenko D. S., Chsherbakov V. S. 2018. “Ranking Russian Regions Publication Activity”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 4, no 3, pp. 213-230. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2018-4-3-213-230

About the authors:

Dmitrii S. Tereshchenko, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, Higher School of Economics Campus in St. Petersburg; dtereshch@gmail.com

Vassiliy S. Chsherbakov, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Lecturer, Department of International Economic Relations, Dostoevsky Omsk State University; chsherbakov.v@gmail.com


Nowadays, some of the most prioritized issues are a) interregional comparison of subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of innovation development and b) identification of causes for high differentiation between the Russian regions. The section devoted to the analysis of the regions’ publication activity is one of the crucial parts of different innovation ratings and scoreboards. Publication activity is one of the significant factors, which prepares fertile ground for innovations on the regional and country levels. Besides, publication activity has a special value because it is one of the main criteria for evaluating government investment in science, which is not always highly effective.

Today, there is the necessity for the creation of a special rating, which will be focused on publication activity of the Russian regions. Thus, the indicators of publication activity for 79 Russian regions in 2010-2015 were gathered and analyzed. The largest electronic library in Russia (eLIBRARY) was used as the main source of data. The rating of publication activity is based on 2 sections: “the region’s size” and “publications’ quality”. This approach allowed accounting not only quantitative, but also qualitative indices, which helped to analyze regions’ aggregate publication activity, which is one of the important factors to estimate regions’ innovation potentials. The previous ratings were mostly concentrated on publication activity of universities and separate researchers. The presented methodology gives an additional understanding of regional innovation processes and creates opportunities to monitor and evaluate local governments’ actions in stimulating regional innovation development.


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