Analysis of the Dynamics of Indicators of Regional Innovation Development (The Case of the Republic of Karelia)

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2018, Vol. 4. №2

Analysis of the Dynamics of Indicators of Regional Innovation Development (The Case of the Republic of Karelia)

For citation: Tereshchenko D. S. 2018. “Analysis of the Dynamics of Indicators of Regional Innovation Development (The Case of the Republic of Karelia)”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 158-172. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2018-4-2-158-172

About the author:

Dmitrii S. Tereshchenko, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, Higher School of Economics Campus in St. Petersburg;


This article considers problems of developing innovative activity at the regional level. Numerous indicators of innovation development provide an opportunity to assess the state of Russian regions comprehensively, though they often do not correspond to the theoretical models of regional innovation systems. The author suggests his ideas on updating the system of indicators of regional innovations including the new classification of factors and results of innovative activity considering such elements as institutions, the human capital, innovative infrastructure, activity of small business, and innovative development.

In addition, the author conducts an empirical assessment of the main indicators of innovative activity in the Republic of Karelia during 2006-2015. He pays special attention to the assessment using the Rating of the innovative development of subjects of the Russian Federation done by the staff of the Higher School of Economics in the context of its individual subindexes. That includes an index of socio-economic conditions, an index of scientific and technical potential, an innovation activity index, and an innovation policy quality index.

The author draws conclusions about the uneven and ambiguous dynamics of the innovative development of the Republic of Karelia for the period under review. In 2008-2015, clearly positive trends in the region were observed from the point of view of scientific and technical potential (the corresponding factor of innovation activity, allocated in the theoretical model — human capital) and the quality of innovation policy (institutions), with certain reservations about the latter. During the same period there is a deterioration in the socio-economic conditions index (other characteristics of human capital) and almost complete absence of changes in the index of innovation activity (activity of small business entities, innovative development).

The obtained results can be used in planning the regional policy in the field of support and stimulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Karelia, and the methodology used is to assess the dynamics of innovation in other regions of the Russian Federation.


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