Focus of Social Activeness of Yamalo-Nenets Citizens on the “Russian Social Initiative” Web-Portal

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2018, Vol. 4. №2

Focus of Social Activeness of Yamalo-Nenets Citizens on the “Russian Social Initiative” Web-Portal

For citation: Lyovkina A. O. 2018. “Focus of Social Activeness of Yamalo-Nenets Citizens on the ‘Russian Social Initiative’ Web-Portal”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 55-69. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2018-4-2-55-69

About the author:

Anastasia O. Lyovkina, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Department of Mathematical Methods, Statistics and Management System in Economy, University of Tyumen; ORCID: 0000-0002-9938-5822, Scopus Author ID: 57192688931, WoS ResearcherID: I-8455-2015,


Long-term perspective of a civil society development considerably depends on the level and the character of social activity as an inside mechanism of civil society development. New instruments of social communications and social influence appeared due to the fast progress of internet technologies. In particular, “Russian Social Initiative” (RSI) have a great potential of involving all citizens in process of common co-development by mean of transparent, responsive, and easy-to-use procedures and access through internet. RSI’s database and classifiers are often used in contemporary sociological research. However, they do not give enough relevant information for the deep quality analysis of social activeness realizing by means of digital technologies.

This article aims to define the level and the character of social activity in the context of humanistic values and priorities of sustainable development. Social initiatives of YaNAO citizens at RSI were analyzed basing on author’s classification, developed in the concordance with the research purpose.

The research has shown substantially high potential of civil activeness in YaNAO by means of internet technologies. Nevertheless, the most of initiatives were observed on the operative (surface) level of solving social problems as they were focused only on mitigating negative consequences of the existing social-economic order. The author points out the lack of initiatives containing suggestions on deep positive social economic changes and focusing on the causes of common significant social problems. The conclusions can be applied for improving estimation and increasing effectiveness of social activeness in the context of human values realization and achieving aims of sustainable development.


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