Developing the Formation Procedures for the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as Well as Regional and Municipal Parliaments at the Current Stage

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2018, Vol. 4. №1

Developing the Formation Procedures for the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as Well as Regional and Municipal Parliaments at the Current Stage

For citation: Koshel A. S. 2018. “Developing the Formation Procedures for the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as Well as Regional and Municipal Parliaments at the Current Stage”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 4, no 1, pp. 159-171. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2018-4-1-159-171

About the author:

Alexey S. Koshel, Cand. Sci. (Polit.), Associate Professor, School of Humanities, Far-Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok);


This article considers the fundamental questions of the procedure for forming the lower chamber of the Russian parliament: the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, regional and local parliaments of Russia — from the moment of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993. For the twenty-five-year period of their existence, there were legislations and restrictions on the passive electoral rights of the RF citizens. Undoubtedly, some restrictions brought stability in their work, relatively constant party composition. However, as shown in this study, it leads inevitably to wide sections of the RF population not receiving their representation on all levels of parliament. The indulgence measures, adopted after the well-known events of 2011-2012, do not suffice, in the author’s opinion. Having studied the experience of legal regulation of the formation of all types of parliaments (first of all, the State Duma in 1993-2018) the author concludes that it is necessary to return the electoral blocs. That would allow the Russian citizens, who support the ideas of small political parties, get their representation in the Russian parliament.

This work contains a detailed analysis of key changes in the issue of admission of electoral associations to participate in elections to the State Duma, regional and local parliaments, and the types of such electoral associations, which have reduced from year to year. The author proposes a number of changes to the RF legislation, which, in his opinion, will contribute to the implementation of the principles of parliamentarism in Russia and an increase of voters’ activity.


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