Researcher in the Field of Education: Targeted and Motivational Characteristics of Teaching Activities

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2018, Vol. 4. №1

Researcher in the Field of Education: Targeted and Motivational Characteristics of Teaching Activities

For citation: Sobkin V. S., Andreeva A. I., Rzaeva F. R. 2018. “Researcher in the Field of Education: Targeted and Motivational Characteristics of Teaching Activities”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 4, no 1, pp. 8-27. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2018-4-1-8-27

About the authors:

Vladimir S. Sobkin, Dr. Sci. (Psych.), Professor, RAE Academician, Head of Informational and Analytical Center of RAE (Moscow);

Anna I. Andreeva, Senior Researcher, Informational and Analysis Center of RAE; Postgraduate Student, Higher School of Economics, Department of Psychology (Moscow);

Fatima R. Rzaeva, Senior Researcher, Informational and Analysis Center of RAE; Postgraduate Student, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Psychology;


This article presents the results of studying the targeted and motivational characteristics of the teaching activities of research workers in the field of education. According to a specially designed questionnaire (consisting of 72 questions), 721 respondents have been interviewed. The sample includes employees with different levels of scientific qualifications and length of professional scientific activity, working at research institutes and universities from different regions of the Russian Federation.

This paper focuses on the importance of the various motives of the teaching activity of a research. The authors consider the influence of age and social indicators of professional status (academic degree, scientific rank, position held, publications activity) on various goals and motives of pedagogical activity of scientists. The study shows that in the hierarchy of the goals of teaching, the most important goal is “forming students’ interest in the subject”. The motivation structure for teaching activity presents a complex set, manifesting two main attitudes: one concerns the self-development of a teacher, the second — the personal and professional development of students.

This study aims to identify the relationship between the motives and goals of pedagogical activity. Specifically conducted factor analysis uncovered five factors: 1) “orientation toward the formation of the subject of scientific activity”, 2) “professional self-assertion — normativity”, 3) “personal self-realization — a favorable socio-psychological climate”, 4) “compliance with the standard — the individualization of training”, and 5) “the attractiveness of working conditions”. Studying the placement of various teaching positions along the axes of the factors has revealed a complex trajectory of changes in the goals and motives of teaching activity at different stages of the formation of a professional career.


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