2017, Vol. 3. №2About the author:
Ilya I. Litvin, Postgraduate at the Department of Criminal Proceedings, Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; ila-lake888@rambler.ruAbstract:
In this article theoretical and application-oriented aspects of use of technical means in proof on criminal cases are considered on the basis of the existing jurisprudence.
The author showed ways to use technical means during different investigative actions, researched cases when use of technical means for fixing of investigative action is mandatory. The author considered circumstances of use of technical means when carrying out a research by the expert.
The conducted scientific and analytical research led to the conclusion that technical means in case of investigation of criminal case are not used in the volume in which the modern technologies allow to do it. Moreover, existence of private shortcomings of procedural design of the materials, received by means of technical means which allow doubts in reliability of these data, is revealed.
Systems analysis of the norms regulating use of technical means allowed to conclude that procedural difficulties which require additional expenses of time are the reason of insufficient use of technical means. The author carries requirements about a mandatory involvement of the expert in case of exception of electronic media of information and requirement about viewing of the video record upon completion of this investigative action to these difficulties.
Promotion of a row of sentences on optimization of the procedure of application of video fixing of the course of investigative action became the total of research activities of the author.