Social Well-Being of a Researcher: Life Fears

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2017, Vol. 3. №1

Social Well-Being of a Researcher: Life Fears

For citation: Sobkin V. S., Andreeva A. I., Rzaeva F. R. 2017. “Social Well-Being of a Researcher: Life Fears”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 8-31. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2017-3-1-8-31

About the authors:

Vladimir S. Sobkin, Dr. Sci. (Psych.), Professor, RAE Academician, Head of Informational and Analytical Center of RAE (Moscow);

Anna I. Andreeva, Senior Researcher, Informational and Analysis Center of RAE; Postgraduate Student, Higher School of Economics, Department of Psychology (Moscow);

Fatima R. Rzaeva, Senior Researcher, Informational and Analysis Center of RAE; Postgraduate Student, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Psychology;


This article presents the results of the sociological study of life researchers’ fears in the sphere of education. In total 721 people were interviewed according to a specially designed questionnaire, which included 72 questions. The sample of respondents comprised employees with different levels of academic qualifications and experience in professional activity, living in various regions of Russia. The respondents are employees of scientific research institutes and universities. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, financial status) and a number of social indicators of professional activity (seniority, position, availability of scientific degrees and titles, full- or part-time job, publication activity) to life fears of researchers. Special attention is paid to how the emotional assessment of their life prospects, social status in the scientific group and migration plans influence the evaluation of the significance of certain life fears. The results of the study show the cardinal changes in the structure of life fears among 40-year-old researchers. As a special line of the research, the influence of the “traditional feminine and masculine” attitudes on the assessment of the significance of various life threats is emphasized in the article. The influence of the level of scientific status (academic degree, scientific title, publication activity) on the professional well-being of a scientific employee is demonstrated. The common data show the role of socio-psychological factors (assessment of the success of their life perspectives, social status in the team, migration plans) in determining the significance of certain life fears and threats. Identified trends are interpreted with respect to the issues of social success and professional development of a researcher. The obtained materials contribute to the realization of effective social policy among scientific employees, who conduct research in the educational sphere.


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