Ethnic-Regional Education as a Social Institute: Features of Functioning in Siberia

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2016, Vol. 2. №4

Ethnic-Regional Education as a Social Institute: Features of Functioning in Siberia

About the author:

Elena A. Lyubimova, Cand. Sci. (Soc), Assistant professor, Department of General and Social Psychology, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;


The article examines institutional characteristics of Russian ethnic-regional education using the example of indigenous peoples of the Russian North. The key aim of the research is to detect the features of functioning of this social institute. Multicultural character of the region, its polyethnicity, and the need to preserve the integrity of cultural and educational space of Russia determine the ethnic-regional educational system of the Extreme North. The educational social institute includes several levels: international, interregional, regional, and local. It imposes special requirements to coordinate its activity. Education of children of indigenous peoples of the North is a part of an education system of Russia, which is implemented taking into account the right of training in a native language. Day comprehensive schools and boarding schools function at the places of traditional accommodation and economic activity of indigenous peoples of the North. It is initiated the creation of nomadic schools where children get primary education taking into account their traditional way of life. The article illustrates the most significant results of the sociological research1 concerning the functions of the institute.

The author defines priority qualities of a teacher of a national school; the main tasks of national school; characteristics of nomadic school and its place in the modern educational environment of the region. The participants of the research characterize nomadic school as a resource form of preschool education. The author reveals general difficulties reducing efficiency of functioning of the educational social institute. The special attention is required to continuity and succession of training; forms and organizational conditions of training; contents of educational programs, material, methodology of educational process and staff.


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