Gender Resource of Society: Marriage and Parenthood

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2016, Vol. 2. №4

Gender Resource of Society: Marriage and Parenthood

Author: Olga N. Dunaeva

About the author:

Olga N. Dunaeva, Senior Lecturer, Department of Developmental Psychology, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk);


The extension of gender repertoire of behavior of males and women is reflected in all spheres of social life, including family. The article discusses modern social and cultural status of marriage and parenthood basing on the analysis of academic papers. It is topical to study the ideas of males and women about the importance of family and parenthood, social and psychological aspects of family relationships based on the modern gender practice, the consequence of which is a convergence of male and female roles and their status. The author notes that the extension of gender repertoire of behavior has raised the level of fulfillment of males and women in the social and professional spheres, and at the same time it has decreased the value of self-realization in a stable family, marital relations, and parenting. The author also detects that transformation and “blur” of the modern fundamental concepts — family, marriage, matrimony, parenthood, and upbringing — makes the values more individual. The results of the current research show that there is a transition to deliberately planned strategies of parenthood; the rise of multiple (mosaic) practices of family education is indicated. The comprehensive study of the ongoing transformations experienced by the family demonstrates the transition from a child-centered family model to an adult-centered one. And in this model the adult self-actualization is the greatest value. It is necessary to look for new socio-cultural reserves to harmonize the values of active involvement of people in socio-professional and family spheres.


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