Energy-Saving Measures on the Example of a Gas Company in Russia

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2016, Vol. 2. №3

Energy-Saving Measures on the Example of a Gas Company in Russia

About the authors:

Alesya S. Kholodionova, Postgraduate Student, Department of the World Economy and the International Business, Tyumen State University;

Lyudmila M. Simonova, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Department of Management and Business, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;


Nowadays one of the most important strategic directions developments of Russia’s economy is the reduction of energy consumption due to energy efficiency. Lowering energy costs for oil and gas industry, oil and gas processing, industrial and transport costs of fuel and energy resources (FER), as well as the main production of electricity and heat are the priorities in the field of energy efficiency. The chosen topic appears to be extremely relevant because the reduction of fuel and energy consumption becomes one of the most important areas of environmental management of the economy. Efficient use of energy resources both in the industry and in the whole country is one of the main conditions to reduce costs and to improve the economic efficiency. The article analyzes energy saving measures one of the Russia’s gas companies. The study has concluded that regular and successful organization of the energy efficiency measures is a prerequisite for the effective operation of any gas enterprise. At the present stage of development of the Russia’s economy energy has a special role. Proof of this is the numerous energy-saving measures developed by individual industrial enterprises and scientific research institutes. In the course of these measures an enterprise can achieve economic growth and significant savings.


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