On the Principles of Organizing the Anti-Corruption Expertise of Normative Legal Acts of the Russian Federation

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2016, Vol. 2. №3

On the Principles of Organizing the Anti-Corruption Expertise of Normative Legal Acts of the Russian Federation

About the author:

Konstantin V. Sevryugin, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Department of Administrative and Finance Law, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University; sevryugin_kv@icloud.com


The article analyzes the legislation regulating the conduct of the anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and their projects in the Russian Federation; it shows the basic principles of the system to restate the anti-corruption expertise, their concept and essence.

In 2008 Russia saw the launch of the state program and the national anti-corruption plan (specializing in the civil service system), which contained the majority of government officials. The Federal Law of 2009 introduced a new legislation system of the anti-corruption expertise of legal acts and normative legal acts. It includes the annual monitoring of public opinion, reflecting the level of public satisfaction with the activities of public authorities and their officials. The comparative legal analysis of the anti-corruption expertise in a number of the Russian Federation subjects shows a lack of recognition for the reforms success growth dynamics of the fight against corruption in the civil service, as well as a relatively low level of public confidence in the government and officials of the state and local authorities. In this regard, various approaches and points of view of scientists on the concept, content and principles of anti-corruption expertise system are observed, and the analysis of the international experience is conducted to identify corruption-factors in normative legal acts and the preparation of reports, containing recommendations to address them.

The article concludes that the anti-corruption expertise of the legislation in modern conditions serves as an essential tool for fighting against corruption and contributes to the exclusion of the abuse of rights by the public authorities and their officials.


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