Sociology of Labor: Issues of Methodology

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2016, Vol. 2. №3

Sociology of Labor: Issues of Methodology

About the author:

Victor V. Voronov, Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute of Social Research, Daugavpils University (Latvia);


The labor acts as a single substance of social existence of things and people, because labor continuously transfers from the form of activities into the form of being, from the form of motion into the form of objectivity, materializing in the product of labor in its various historical forms, direct or indirect. Therefore, all social thingness has a dual character: it has a material existence, and it is a carrier of certain socio-economic relations, which does not reduce it to the objective nature of being. This is the difficulty of understanding the phenomenology of labor. However, the monistic paradigm (consumer’s value or value) defines the diversity of interpretations of non-market or market phenomenology of economic activity — in other words, the labor society, or capital companies. Then many things become clearer to the understanding of the contemporary social and economic realities.


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