On the Concept and Requirements of Authority (Official) Exercising State Supervision (Control): Problems and Prospects

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2016, Vol. 2. №2

On the Concept and Requirements of Authority (Official) Exercising State Supervision (Control): Problems and Prospects

About the author:

Maria V. Farafonova, Associate Postgraduate, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; mariya-77@mail.ru


The article discusses the concept of regulations under the review of various sources of encyclopedic concept of the prescription. The specific features and characteristics of the prescription are analyzed, including the availability of power, commitment (or unconditionality) of the prescription, legal regulations, the application of disciplinary and administrative punishment. The author identifies the basic properties and characteristics of prescriptions: a prescription is a form of a legal act which has an individual character, aimed at regulating social relations in the sphere of public administration, based on the study of the content of different definitions. Taking into account the entire spectrum of the concepts, features, and characteristics of prescriptions, the author suggests to account for these characteristics in the design and definition of the prescription for the new version of the Article 19.5 of the Administrative Code. In addition, the author suggests his own concept of prescriptions for changes in the current legislation.


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