2016, Vol. 2. №2About the authors:
Oleg I. Beketov, Dr. Sci. (Jur.), Professor, Head of the Chair of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity of the Law Enforcement Bodies, Omsk Academy of the Russian Ministry of Interior Affaires; ol_beketov@mail.ruAbstract:
At the present stage of Russia’s development, crime prevention issues are becoming increasingly important. Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed the basic model of crime prevention system for the Russian Federation. The main coordinating body, established to ensure concerted action enforcement authorities, is the Government commission on prevention of offenses. Currently there is built a complex state system of crime prevention, which is a conglomerate of interrelated prevention systems operating in some areas of public relations. The authors set forth the definition of “state of the system of road safety,” based on the system-structural method. The article notes that in order to ensure road safety certain activities should be carried out in several ways, both at the federal and local levels. There is a continuing search for effective mechanisms of legal, organizational, and material support of road safety. Under these circumstances, not only the role of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Interior Ministry increases, which is in accordance with its competence performs the control, supervision, and individual licensing functions in the field of road safety. One of the latest innovations in monitoring should include the introduction of hardware-software complex “Safe City” and the activities of groups of community councils to monitor the organization and safety in traffic. Organized system work of all the subjects of offense prevention has a positive effect on the state of law and order in the country, leading to a decrease in the dangerous road user behavior.