Quality evaluation of the personnel management system (PMS) according to the poll results of employees of oil and gas companies

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2016, Vol. 2. №1

Quality evaluation of the personnel management system (PMS) according to the poll results of employees of oil and gas companies

About the author:

Lyutciya M. Gaisina, Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Associate Professor at the Department of History and Cultural Studies, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University; glmug@mail.ru


Despite the industry crisis, oil and gas industry continues to be a very competitive employer. The highest level of salaries and developed social package increase the inflow of new personnel. At the same time, severe labor conditions, rigorous climate, and increased responsibility demanding tough discipline lead to a high turnover rate of personnel. Thus, the quality of a personnel management system is rather important. The author identifies the most important criteria of quality of human resource management at the enterprises of oil and gas industry. 
The study is based on the key principles of the synergetic approach considering the organization as a complex open self-developing system. As a result of the sociological research, the most important quality criteria of a staff control system of the industry enterprises were revealed. The conclusion is that the industry specifics demand the establishment of large vertically integrated corporations and multiple-level control systems. It significantly complicates the processes of information exchanging between ordinary employees and middle and top level management.


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