2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)Abstract:
The article deals with one of the major problems of the modern system of the enterprise taxation, namely the issue of non-coordinated implementation of the tax system functions with the functions of enterprises’ finances. The interconnections between functions of enterprises' finances and those of a tax system (including income tax) are described on the basis of specific metrics. Also a variety of approaches to analysis and evaluation of efficiency of measures on improving enterprises' taxation are described with consideration to their impact on budget revenues, budget's extended reproduction and efficiency level.It is also offered to assess efficiency of enterprises' income taxation with due consideration to the efficiency of dealing with the major problem posed by the taxation system which is characterized by the absence of link of the function of this taxation with the functions of enterprises' finances. The author offers to use the method of distance as a methodological framework for comprehensive assessment. The choice of the set of estimated figures, criteria of comprehensive assessment and procedures of deduction, as well as the choice of directions to look for reserves to improve the mechanism of income taxation are justified analytically.Keywords:
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