2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)About the authors:
Ivan S. Romantchuk,Abstract:
The article is devoted to the problem of self-restraint of state power in a legal state. The authors display distinctive (immanent) properties of a state power, analyze its political and legal nature and reveal major challenges stemming from the urge towards absolute authority.The aspects analyzed are related to the necessity to limit state power in the legal state. The necessity, possibility, and ways of self-restraint of state power are explored in the research.In particular, the authors consider political consciousness of citizens and ruling class as one of the major tools that are vital for self-restraint of state power. The conclusion is drawn that state power must be built on universal needs of citizens as well as on democratic principles of political systems, while limiting its aspiration to absolute power for the sake of social prosperity, supporting the legitimacy and public order.The authors dwell upon federalism as one of the most widespread models of self-restraint of state power in contemporary law and politics. The analysis is provided concerning the problems arising in the course of realization of this truly efficient and productive model of self-restraint, and some solutions to mitigate these problems are also offered. The conclusion is reached that federalism being supported by an effective mechanism of local self-government is a really effective limitation basis for state arbitrariness, which is proved by experience of Western countries.References:
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