2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)About the author:
Nadezhda I. Kargapoltseva, Postgraduate at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the Russian FederationAbstract:
The theory of legal consensus as an important research area in jurisprudence though it is not studied enough. However the transformation processes taking place in Russia require a relevant search for ways and means of reaching a consensus during the formation of a lawful state. The consensus is a subject matter of many scientific disciplines, each of which considers one of its sides. The article dwells upon the legal aspect of understanding the category “consensus”, as well as emphasizes its inherent features. The author distinguishes the related categories, namely a “compromise” and “consensus”. Discussing the legal aspect of consensus, the author notes its presence in various sectors of the Russian law.Keywords:
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