2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)About the authors:
Oleg Y. Vinnitchenko,Abstract:
The legal regulation of distribution and consumption of tobacco products is a well known and acute problem which dates back to the late Middle Ages, but in the modern world it has acquired special urgency due to the citizens’ concerns about their health and well-being.From a perspective of historical and legal analysis the issue of the current paper has been definitely under-investigated. The majority of researches were carried out from the point of view of medicine, economy, sociology, psychology, etc. That is why the scientific novelty of the work includes comparative analysis of legal norms aimed at procedures of controlling tobacco products traffic in Russia from the moment they were introduced and up to our days. The article highlights special aspects of the legal regulation of tobacco production in Russia on the basis of legislation of both Russian and foreign law in order to draw the conclusions about the significant changes in anti-smoking law in our country over time and prove why are these innovations effective for modern legal implementation. The authors study the changes that have been implemented by our legislation with the course of time and make a conclusion on whether these new measures were effective or not for modern law enforcement system.Keywords:
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