The global natural gas market and Russia’s share at this market

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

The global natural gas market and Russia’s share at this market

About the authors:

Gulnara A. Niyazova,
Student, Tyumen State University

Lyudmila A. Krasnova,
 Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Methods, Information Technology and Management Systems in Economy, Tyumen State University


Civilization of ecological requirements is a distinctive feature of modern energy consumption. Natural gas being more ecologically friendly gets more important in energy consumption pattern of the world and serves as a major factor of shaping modern power economy based on cost and energy effectiveness and ecological performance. Russia is one of the world’s leading countries in natural gas production and reserves, and due to this fact and low cost of gas production the country is able to export this energy source in many other countries. This article dwells upon the structure and dynamics of natural gas supply & demand on the global market, and defines the place of Russia in global natural gas exports.


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