Hybrid forms in the space of Russian culture: practicies and styles of «folk revival»

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Hybrid forms in the space of Russian culture: practicies and styles of «folk revival»

About the author:

Tatiana V. Gavrilyuk, Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University


The article aims to study the folk movement as a new hybrid form of youth solidarity. The discrepant features of the Slavic folk movement are analyzed. The concepts of folk, neofolk, folk culture, folk movement, youth movement are explicated. Both peculiarities of modern Russian sociocultural space and global tendencies were taken into consideration. It is revealed that modern Slavic folk culture as part of city space is constituted of different kinds of subcultural groups. The study emphasizes the controversy of its subject area, which seems to equally display a turn towards conservatism in the present-day Russia on the one hand and postmodern features on the other. The hybridization of the main features of the movement is analyzed, and the temporal modes structuring meanings in its representatives’ minds are outlined. The author emphasizes the hidden risks of the popularization of this phenomenon. Yet, it is stressed that the discourse of those hybrid forms should not be limited to a theoretical level, but needs to be supported by empirical data received with the use of ethnographic research methods.


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