The way to optimize the jurisdictional mechanism of legal protection for public property in the educational sector: prospects of establishing the branch arbitration system

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

The way to optimize the jurisdictional mechanism of legal protection for public property in the educational sector: prospects of establishing the branch arbitration system

About the author:

Mikhail V. Borodach, Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor at the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University


The research contains the author’s reasoning for the establishment of the branch arbitration system in the educational sector in Russia. According to the author, it will provide more effective jurisdictional maintenance for the public assets as-signed to the governmental and municipal educational facilities. The author deals with the issue of legal opportunities to establish specialized arbitration courts in the educational sector of Russia in the context of the Russian and world-wide experience of specialization for judges. The examples of the Russian legal practice presenting a successful experience of functioning of the arbitration courts of ‘Gazprom’ JSC, Public Corporation ‘Rosatom’, Association of the Russian banks, etc. are highlighted. It is proved that the establishment of specialized arbitration courts in the educational sector in Russia will provide for more effective judgement for economic litigations involving the educational facilities, decrease the litigation expenses, and increase the quality of judgements in the context of peculiarities of the educational sector. Moreover, author suggests the approach to define the categories of economic litigations which are the subject for the judgements of specialized arbitration courts in the context of particular legal personality of educational facilities in Russia.


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