2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)About the author:
Elena F. Gladun, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Professor, Department of State and Municipal Administration, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,
The article analyzes the legal acts of the Russian Federation and other Arctic states governing the protection of the environment in the Arctic territories. The topic is on the rise now due to the fact that the Arctic is a special region, which attracts attention of the world community. Arctic countries are intensively developing Arctic lands and seas causing significant environmental problems. The author describes the basic Arctic strategies, establishing the principles and objectives for environmental protection in the Arctic. A detailed analysis of the Russian environmental legislation is given, and gaps in the legal regulation are highlighted, especially the author pays attention to the issues of environmental requirements for industrial companies, environmental impact assessment, the creation of protected areas in the Arctic, as well as the application of measures of responsibility in causing environmental damage. The author argues about the need to apply the experience of legal regulation of other Arctic states in order to improve the Russian legislation. The conclusion is made that the goals and objectives established by the Basics of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the Period up to 2020 and Beyond and the Development Strategy of the Russian Arctic and National Security for the Period until 2020 will be met in case if a comprehensive federal law on the Arctic environmental protection is adopted. Also it is necessary to improve the existing environmental and natural resources legislation of the Russian Federation.Keywords:
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