RETRACTED Improvement of methodical bases of managing organizational development of a construction enterprise

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

RETRACTED Improvement of methodical bases of managing organizational development of a construction enterprise

About the author:

Natalia M. Chikisheva,
Professor of Management, Tyumen State University of Architecture and Construction, Doctor of Economics


The article deals with the basic concepts related to organizational development in construction industry. The article highlights the author's version of a form of managing organizational development of a construction enterprise, based on the selection process of organizational elements, most exposed to planned changes; the algorithm of organizational development, which helps to track and evaluate the organizational state of a construction company in the process of its transition from one state to another in accordance with the proposed technology of managing organizational development by identifying current and future organizational state of the construction company, taking into account the specifics of the development of its organizational elements.


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