Mortgage market: lease or loan?

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Mortgage market: lease or loan?

About the authors:

Marianna A. Ulyasheva,
leading specialist mortgage lending VTB24 (PJSC)

Marina V. Mazaeva, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor at the Department of Finance, Monetary Circulation and Credit, Financial-economic Institute, Tyumen State University;


It is stressed in the article that mortgage lending is a socially significant aspect of modern society. The authors of the article consider that the issue of property mortgage loans is currently one of the most relevant in Russia. High interest rates do not provide opportunities for families to take mortgage and amounts of overpaid money on loan rates are horrifying. The authors of the article propose that real estate market is developing not at a desirable pace, therefore, the volume of housing in operation is decreasing. Under modern economic circumstances the housing problem is quite acute for people who want to have their own property, but due to a sharp rise in loan interest rates, many people are thinking of an alternative way to have property, that is to rent it. The financial crisis revealed all weak points and vulnerabilities of the domestic mortgage market. To improve the situation in mortgage market, a number of innovative tools for the Russian market are required.


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