Theoretical foundations of the process of urbanization and its impact on the regional housing market

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Theoretical foundations of the process of urbanization and its impact on the regional housing market

About the authors:

Valentina S. Antonyuk,
Dr. Econ. Sci., Professor, Head of Economics and Global Economics Department, South Ural State University (Tchelyabinsk)

Vladimir V. Pogonin,
Assistant of Economic Theory, Global and Regional Economic South Ural State University


The article provides a definition of the process of urbanization in the broad and narrow senses of the word; identifies objective foundations of urbanization in the form of concentration and integration of various forms and types of material and spiritual activities; defines demographic, economic, environmental, urban, scientific, technical, socio-political factors influencing urbanization. The authors of the article draw attention to the specifics of urbanization around the world and highlight the types of urbanization; calculate the value of urbanization level; identify patterns of urbanization for the third- world and developing countries; highlight specific features of urbanization in the urban environment; define transformation process of urbanization in developed countries: rururbanization, suburbanization and their impact on the spatial distribution of the population across countries; provide the characteristic of the territorial-urban structure as a basis to predict urbanization and manage it successfully. The impact of urbanization on regional housing market in the Russian Federation, specified in the article, includes the following factors: stabilization of urbanization; formation of housing satellite estates near large cities; minor scale and vivid cyclical seasonal nature of suburbanization; the growth of low-rise construction; replacement of dilapidated housing and mass housing construction; metropolization processes and regionalization; agglomeration of cities; low solvency of the population and housing shortage; the intensity of urban planning and deficit of areas suitable for capital construction. The authors of the article emphasize the urgency of solving the problem through integrated development: co сonstruction of buildings and premises for various purposes, which provide an opportunity for the development of recreation areas, gardening and landscaping.


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