2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)About the authors:
Valentina S. Antonyuk,Abstract:
1. Mirovaja jekonomika: uchebnik [The world economy: a textbook] / edited by
B. M. Smitienko. M.: Yurait: Vysshee obrazovanie, 2009. 581 p. (Universities of Russia).(in Russian).
2. Maksimov, S. N., Semenko, V. V. Jekonomicheskie problemy regionov i otraslevyh kompleksov / / Problemy sovremennoj jekonomiki [Economic problems of the regions and industry complexes / / Problems of modern economy]. 2012. № 2 (42). P. 17-26. (in Russian).
3. Seredina, M. I. Tendencii razvitija sovremennyh megapolisov mira / / Servis v Rossii i za rubezhom [Trends in the development of modern cities in the world / / Service in Russia and abroad]. 2011. № 4 (23). P. 54-62. (in Russian).
4. Rossijskij statisticheskij ezhegodnik [Statistical Yearbook of Russia]: Stat. Sb. M.: Rosstat, 2009. (in Russian).
5. O zhilishhnom stroitel'stve v RF v 2008 g.: Stat. bjulleten' [On housing construction in Russia in 2008: Statistical Bulletin]. № 6 (157). M.: Rosstat, 2009. (in Russian).
6. Belkina, T. D., Minchenko, M. M. Monitoring sostojanija i problem razvitija gorodov Rossii v gody reform / / Nauchnye trudy: Institut narodnohozjajstvennogo prognozirovanija RAN [Monitoring the status and challenges of urban development in Russia during the reform years / / Proceedings: Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. M., 2010. P. 83-102. (in Russian).
7. Neshchadin, A. K. Gorodskie aglomeracii kak instrument dinamichnogo social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija regionov Rossii / / Obshhestvo i jekonomika [Urban agglomerations as a tool for dynamic socio-economic development of the regions of Russia / / Society and Economy]. 2010. № 12. P. 26-35. (in Russian).
8. Prostranstvo sovremennoj Rossii: vozmozhnosti i bar'ery razvitija (razmyshlenija geografov-obshhestvovedov) [The dimension of modern Russia: opportunities and barriers for development (the thoughts of geographers and social scientists)] / Edited by A. G. Druzhinin, V. A. Kolosov, V. E. Shuvalov. M.: The university book, 2012. 336 p. (in Russian).
9. Fetisov, G. G., Oreshin, V. P. Regional'naja jekonomika i upravlenie: Uchebnik [Regional Economics and Management: a textbook]. M.: INFRA-M, 2008. 416 p. (in Russian).
10. Ivanenko, L. N., Fayzrahmanova, Y. I. Teoreticheskie aspekty upravlenija razvitiem zastroennyh territorij v regione i municipal'nyh obrazovanijah / / Osnovy upravlenija, jekonomiki i prava [Theoretical aspects of the development of built-up areas in the region and municipalities / / Fundamentals of Management, Economics and Law]. 2012. № 2 (2). P. 48-57. (in Russian).