Freedom of labor and the right to work in constitutions of foreign countries (comparative and legal analysis)

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Freedom of labor and the right to work in constitutions of foreign countries (comparative and legal analysis)

About the authors:

Valery V. Nevinsky ,
Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Altai State University, Doctor of Law, Professor

Anna E. Kanakova , Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional and International Law, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia;,


Constitutions of foreign states distinguish themselves by the variability of fixation of freedoms, rights and obligations in the labor sphere. In particular these categories "freedom of labor" and "the right to work" may be used as both categories or within definite combinations, or may include "obligation to work". This heterogeneity shows that there is no ideal scheme of making research provisions in the labor sphere. This aspect makes the authors of the article pay attention not just to the designation of the category, but to the meaning of the category which the Constitution attaches to it. The categories "freedom of labor" and "the right to work" can have the meaning of principles of legal regulation or that of subjective freedoms and rights. Depending on the meaning of the categories established by the Constitution in the labor sphere, they can have different content and function. In particular, if the provisions on freedom of labor and right to work are instituted in the Constitution as principles of legal regulation of labor relations, they as a rule are not supported by the guarantee of court decision as subjective labor rights of a person. Just in the case of fixing freedom of labor and the right to work in subjective meaning, the Constitution as a rule agrees on the possibility of court decision of declared labor rights.


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