Jurisprudence methodology: a crisis or a new opportunity?

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Jurisprudence methodology: a crisis or a new opportunity?

About the author:

Oleg Y. Vinnitchenko,


In the article methodological issues of jurisprudence are analyzed. The author of the article considers the possibility of the civilizational approach implementation to the identification of the national legal system and the state system of Russia. Under the crisis conditions within the sphere of theoretical jurisprudence and the inconsistence between the legal consciousness of the population, on the one hand, and the officially established system of positive law, on the other hand, the analysis of national society models with regard to its internal and external factors will be relevant. This may be implemented via various theoretical concepts including some enacted in domestic jurisprudence earlier (e.g.: historical school of law) as well as up-to-date scientific approaches (e.g.: communicative approach, socio-cultural anthropology of law). The author of the article suggests that the subject of modern legal science should comprise both the objective (material) characteristics of law and their perception by an individual (an individual being a subject of a legal reality). Thus, law acts as a socially and socio-culturally stipulated phenomenon.


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