2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)About the authors:
Vladimir S. Sobkin, Dr. Sci. (Psych.), Professor, RAE Academician, Head of Informational and Analytical Center of RAE (Moscow); sobkin@mail.ruAbstract:
1. Davydov, V. V. Teoriya razvivayushchego obucheniya [The theory of developmental education]. M.: INTOR, 1996. 544 p. (in Russian).
2. Sobkin, V., Ravlyuk, S. Esli budushchee vyzyvaet trevogu... Otnoshenie uchitelya k svoei professii: dinamika izmenenii za desyat' let [If the future is alarming... Teacher's attitude to profession: the dynamics of changes in the last ten years] / / Pervoe sentyabrya. 2001. № 70 (1052). (in Russian).
3. Sobkin, V. S. Otnoshenie uchitelei k Edinomu Gosudarstvennomu Ekzamenu (po materialam sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya) / / Trudy po sotsiologii obrazovaniya [Teachers' attitude to the Unified National Exam (based on sociological research) / / Works on the sociology of education]. M.: Institut sotsiologii obrazovaniya RAO, 2009. 191 p. (in Russian).
4. Sobkin, V. S. Starsheklassnik v mire politiki. Empiricheskoe issledovanie [A high school student in the world of politics. An empirical study]. M.: CSO RAO, 1997. 320 p. (in Russian).
5. Sobkin, V. S., Adamchuk, D. V. Monitoring sotsial'nykh posledstvii informatizatsii: chto izmenilos' v shkole za tri goda? [Monitoring the social impact of information: what has changed in the school during three years?]. M.: Institut sotsiologii obrazovaniya RAO, 2008. 159 p. (in Russian).
6. Sobkin, V. S., Adamchuk, D. V. Sovremennyi rossiiskii pedagog: eskiz k sotsiolo-gicheskomu portretu [A modern Russian teacher: a sketch for a sociological portrait]. M.: Nekommercheskoe partnerstvo "Avtorskii klub", 2015. 60 p. (in Russian).
7. Sobkin, V. S., Adamchuk, D. V. Sotsiologiya obrazovaniya: Edinyi gosudarstvennyi ekzamen v kontekste pedagogicheskoi deyatel'nosti / / Prepodavanie istorii i obshchestvoznaniya v shkole [Sociology of Education: Unified National Exam in the context of educational activities / / Teaching history and social sciences at school]. 2015. № 2. P. 49-56. (in Russian).
8. Sobkin, V. S., Adamchuk, D. V., Dukhanina, L. N. Sovremennyi uchitel': udovletvorennost' material'nym statusom / / Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v gosudarstvakh-uchastnikakh SNG: sovremennye problemy, teorii i praktika [A modern teacher: satisfaction with material status / / Teacher education in the states of CIS: modern problems of the theory and practice]. SPb.: FGBNU "IPOOV RAS", 2014. P. 48-58. (in Russian).
9. Sobkin, V. S., Adamchuk, D. V., Dukhanina, L. N. Sotsial'noe samochuvstvie pedagoga: material'nyi status (Otsutstvie kakoi-libo dinamiki v svoem material'nom statuse otmechaet kazhdyi vtoroi pedagog) [Social well-being of a teacher: material status (every second teacher speaks of the absence of any dynamics in their material status)] / / Uchitel'skaya Gazeta. URL: (date of access: 20.03.2015). (in Russian).
10. Sobkin, V. S., Adamchuk, D. V., Zhukov, I. D., Yanbekova, D. V. Izmeneniya motivatsionno-tselevykh aspektov deyatel'nosti uchitelya na raznykh etapakh ego professional'noi kar'ery [Changes in motivational-targeted aspects of a teacher's activity at different stages of professional career] / / Pedagogika. 2014. № 9. P. 69-80. (in Russian).
11. Sobkin, V. S., Adamchuk, D. V., Zhukov, I. D., Yanbekova, D. V. Otnoshenie uchitelei
k probleme vnedreniya innovatsii v praktiku obrazovaniya [Teachers' attitude to the issue of
innovation in the practice of education] / / Chelovek i obrazovanie. 2014. № 2 (40). P. 26-43. (in Russian).
12. Sobkin, V. S., Adamchuk, D. V., Ivanova, A. I., Kolomiets, Yu. O., Likhanov, I. D., Narbutt, D. A. EGE: opyt sotsiologicheskogo analiza [Unified National Exam: the experience of sociological analysis] / / Vesti obrazovaniya. 2009. № 18 (138). P. 12-13. (in Russian).
13. Sobkin, V. S., Adamchuk, D. V., Kolomiets, Yu. O., Likhanov, I. D., Ivanova, A. I. Sotsiologicheskoe issledovanie rezul'tatov EGE / / Trudy po sotsiologii obrazovaniya [Sociological research of Unified National Exam results / / Works on the sociology of education]. M.: Institut sotsiologii obrazovaniya RAO, 2010. P. 9-31. (in Russian).
14. Sobkin, V. S., Pisarskii, P. S. Sotsiokul'turnyi analiz obrazovatel'noi situatsii v megapolise [Socio-cultural analysis of the educational situation in a metropolis]. M.: Ministerstvo obrazovaniya RF, 1992. 159 p. (in Russian).
15. Sobkin, V. S., Pisarskii, P. S., Kolomiets, Yu. O. Uchitel'stvo kak sotsial'no professional'naya gruppa [Teachers as a socio-professional group]. M.: CSO RAO, 1996. 53 p. (in Russian).
16. Sobkin, V. S., Ravlyuk, S. G. Uchitel' ob obrazovanii: Opyt sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya professional'noi pozitsii / / Trudy po sotsiologii obrazovaniya [A teacher speaking about Education: The experience of sociological research professional position. Works on the sociology of education]. M.: CSO RAO, 2004. P. 281-336. (in Russian).
17. Sobkin, V. S., Tkachenko, O. V. Student pedagogicheskogo vuza: zhiznennye i professional'nye perspektivy / / Trudy po sotsiologii obrazovaniya [A student of pedagogical high school: life and career prospects / / Works on the sociology of education]. M.: CSO RAO, 2007. 200 p. (in Russian).