Economic companies at universities as actors of an innovative environment

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Economic companies at universities as actors of an innovative environment

About the author:

Elena A. Lyubimova, Cand. Sci. (Soc), Assistant professor, Department of General and Social Psychology, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;


Experience in creation of economic companies at universities as subjects of an innovative environment is considered in the article. The main idea of the research is to evaluate the role of economic companies in the region innovative environment. The way to achieve this goal is investigated by means of the method of focus-groups. The author's interpretation of the research program is offered in the article. The participants of focus-groups are the leaders of economic companies. There are some special features of economic companies at universities. For instance, economic company's members combine several kinds of activities. Working for such economic company has different characteristics. There is neither guaranteed stable income, nor opportunity to hire permanent staff. The presence of a permanent job (a university lector) inhibits the innovative activity: "we could manage companies much better, but for the primary job". Universities ensure the survival of economic companies because not all of their investment projects are successful. Moreover, the university is a source of economic company's personal reserve. The most meaningful results of carried out research include the characteristic of economic companies, such as irregular work schedule and salary. In the conclusion of the article some recommendations to develop regional innovative environment and universities' economic companies as their subjects are revealed.


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