Methods for assessing the soсio-eсonomiс effeсts of the regional oil and gas seсtor

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)

Methods for assessing the soсio-eсonomiс effeсts of the regional oil and gas seсtor

About the authors:

Lyudmila M. Simonova, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Department of Management and Business, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;

Dmitriy A. Artyukhov,
Post-graduate Student, Department of World Economy and International Business, Financial and Economic Institute, Tyumen State University


The oil and gas sector (OGS) is the key element of the regional economic complex. In this relation, the assessment of the impact of the OGS on the socio-economic development of the region is an issue of current practical and scientific importance. The article proposes a technique to assess the socio-economic effects of the regional oil and gas sector. The technique consists of the four stages: firstly, the analysis of the characteristics of the regional oil and gas sector (OGS); secondly, the assessment of the impact of the OGS on socio-economic development of the region; thirdly, the analysis of the direct and indirect socio-economic effects of the regional OGS. Direct effects refer to the effects that are directly related to the implementation of oil and gas production and processing. Indirect effects are those that arise as a result of tax revenues to the regional budget system, the development of additional economic activity, facilitating development of OGS. At the fourth stage, on the basis of the achieved results, the measures are proposed to improve the mechanisms for the implementation of socio-economic effects of the regional OGS. The proposed method allows determining the direction of state regulation to ensure socially-oriented development of regional oil and gas production.


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